Monday, April 5, 2010

Facebook v. ISP filtering... via Abbott

The Open Internet for Australia Facebook page has a special plea to all members to contact Tony Abbott and convince him of the folly of ISP filtering today after his comments on the ABC's Q&A last night. Also an interesting follow up article on the OZ. From the transcript of last night's show:

YIKEN YANG: Criticism of the internet filter policy being pushed by Chairman Rudd and Stephen Conroy is growing, with even Google weighing in on the debate. The opposition has been notoriously quiet on this issue and I was wondering what the stance of the Liberal party was. Thanks.

TONY ABBOTT: Well, look, I want to see protections in place. I don’t want to see our kids exposed to really terrible stuff on the internet. On the other hand, I don’t want to see the internet destroyed by a filtering system that won’t work, so I guess for me it’s a factual issue. Can you have a filtering system that is effective, that doesn’t lull parents into a false sense of security, and which doesn’t, in the process, make the internet ineffective as the kind of marvellous research tool and educational device as it is.

TONY JONES: And what’s the answer: you don’t know at the moment?

TONY ABBOTT: I don’t know at the moment. I just don’t know.

TONY JONES: Joe Hockey has got a pretty clear view on this. He says he regards the - in his speech, in defence of civil liberties, he said he regards the internet filter as a real problem because it is one of those things that puts the government on top of the freedom - in this case the freedom of the internet.

TONY ABBOTT: Yeah. As I understand it, the proponents of the filter are only trying to stop access to material that it would be a crime to possess anyway. That’s my understanding. Now, we haven’t seen legislation from the government. We certainly haven’t seen the kind of technical assurances that we’d need, so let’s wait and see how this thing develops, Tony.

No surprise to see that Abbott is waiting to see how this pans out - why come out with a position on it either way and draw attention away from all the flak Conroy is copping? Anyway, the Facebook page goes on to provide links to the 'lobby a Lib' section of the EFA site, then provides the contact details for Abbott's office too, which I'll repost here for good measure:

You can call Tony Abbott’s office on (02) 9977 6411.

Or you can send him an email at

Or you can write to him at:

The Hon Tony Abbott

PO Box 450

Manly NSW 2095

Can this issue gain enough traction with the so-called 'general' public to become an election winner/loser? The release of the responses to the Government's call for submissions on 'measures to increase accountability and transparency for Refused Classification material' shows that the business community, techies and other 'netizens' are firmly against the plan, but I wonder what the tabloid and talkback media consumers are thinking? Note to self, check the Daily Telegraph's website and Google to see if Alan Jones and his ilk have said anything of substance (a relative term I know...)

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