Monday, March 29, 2010

US reveals concerns over Conroy’s net filter plan

A great article on the Punch yesterday about Australia's planned ISP filtering censorship:

From the article:
The US State Department has told The Punch its officials have raised concerns about the filter with Australian counterparts, as America mounts a new diplomatic assault on internet censorship by governments worldwide.

Asked about the US view on the filter plan US State Department spokesman Noel Clay said: “The US and Australia are close partners on issues related to cyber matters generally, including national security and economic issues.

“We do not discuss the details of specific diplomatic exchanges, but can say that in the context of that ongoing relationship, we have raised our concerns on this matter with Australian officials.”

Punch writer Paul Coglan also points out - and many of those involved in the protest movement against the ISP filtering do too - that the filtering will be quite easy to circumvent. Coglan goes on to say that even now, before the filters even exist, you can google work-arounds by searching "how to bypass the Australia ISP filter", which i did, and here are some results:

What's interesting about these links is that they're not from obscure sources - the first is from the Sydney Morning Herald, and the second is from PC Authority magazine. This indicative of the widespread disdain for the ISP filter project in the media and private sector. The PC Authority article even has a sponsored link to the No Clean Feed protest site.

Next post, I plan to write up a pretty comprehensive review of and guide to the No Clean Feed site, as it is one of the most organized and comprehensive resource sites for anti-ISP filter campaigners.

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